MOOCs and Open Education New Book Amazon Routledge Open World
MOOCs Books
MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. Routledge Chapman & Hall (2015).
Edited by Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, Thomas H. Reynolds.

Find out more about this compelling new book MOOCs and Open Education

MOOCs and Open Education is a edited collection which articulates issues relating to massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open educational resources (OER). These massive open courses are free for learners but do not lead to formal accreditation. MOOCs are open because they encourage open access via the Internet for all learners. It is difficult to inspire students in online environments. The open education resources movement was the inspiration for the first MOOC courses. Massively open online courses (MOOCs) are a form of learning technology. This online MOOCs book describes the best practices in distance learning based on decades of research. As distance learning technology becomes more commonplace there is an expanding desideratum to grasp how massive open online courses are being conducted. How can we guarantee that teachers are properly credentialed for teaching online?

The latest historical trends in digital e-learning technology are making it possible for learners in all parts of the world to take part in classes online. Scholars and numerous other stakeholders would like to grasp these fine new open education resources (OERs) endeavours. This open education resources (OER) book articulates guidelines for others who hope to create highly engaging MOOC-based learning experiences. For more details please visit this MOOCs Book website.

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World
Book About Open Education > Massive Open Online Courses Education > Distance Educational Journals


Free Online College Education

MOOCs: This is the MOOCs video clip on YouTube.
MOOCs Education: This is the MOOCs Education playlist presented by the MOOCs and Open Education YouTube video channel.

Massive Open Online Courses

Open Education Resources Book: This is the Open Education Resources Book playlist from the MOOC Courses YouTube channel.
Massively Open Online Courses MOOCs: This is the Massively Open Online Courses MOOCs playlist from the MOOC Courses YouTube channel.
Open Educational Resources Oer: The MOOC Book video channel on YouTube proudly presents this Open Educational Resources Oer playlist.
Digital Teaching Platform: The MOOC Book video channel on YouTube proudly presents this Digital Teaching Platform playlist.
Online Classes: The MOOC Book video channel on YouTube proudly presents this Online Classes playlist.
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